
Ibudilast Powder | Anti-inflammatory Drug

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Buy Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor Raw Powder Ibudilast For Anti-inflammatory 


What is Ibudilast?

Ibudilast (development codes: AV-411 or MN-166) is an anti-inflammatory drug used mainly in Japan, which acts as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, inhibiting the PDE4 subtype to the greatest extent, but also showing significant inhibition of other PDE subtypes


Ibudilas Basic Information

CAS No.: 50847-11-5
M F: C14H18N2O
M W: 230.31
Appearance: white powder


Ibudilas Application

Ibudilast has bronchodilator, vasodilator and neuroprotective effects, and is mainly used in the treatment of asthma and stroke. It inhibits platelet aggregation, and may also be useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Ibudilast crosses the blood–brain barrier and suppresses glial cell activation. This activity has been shown to make ibudilast useful in the treatment of neuropathic pain and it not only enhances analgesia produced by opioid drugs, but also reduces the development of tolerance.

It may have some use reducing methamphetamine and alcohol addiction.

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