
Canagliflozin Powder Anti-diabetic Drug for Type 2 Diabetes

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  • Specifications

Canagliflozin Powder Anti-diabetic Drug Medical Grade for Type 2 Diabetes


What is Canagliflozin?

Canagliflozin (trade name Invokana or Sulisent) is a medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It is of the gliflozin class or subtype 2 sodium-glucose transport (SGLT-2) inhibitors class. This mechanism is associated with a low risk of hypoglycaemia (too low blood glucose) compared to sulfonylurea derivatives and insulin.

Canagliflozin is an inhibitor of subtype 2 sodium-glucose transport proteins (SGLT2), which is responsible for at least 90% of renal glucose reabsorption (SGLT1 being responsible for the remaining 10%). Blocking this transporter causes up to 119 grams of blood glucose per day to be eliminated through the urine.


Canagliflozin Specification

Tests Specifications Results
Appearance White or off-white powder White powder
A. IR(KBr) The sample spectrum corresponds 

to that of the working standard

B. HPLC The retention time of the major peak

 in the chromatogram of the sample

corresponds to that exhibited by the working standard

Single impurity Not more than 0.1% 0.08%
Total impurities Not more than 1.0% 0.5%
E.e % More than 98.5% 99%
Assay (by HPLC) Not less than 98.0% and not more than 102.0% w/w 99.1%
Conclusion Comply with In-house standard.
Storage Store protected from light and moisture


Canagliflozin Medical Use

Canagliflozin is an anti-diabetic drug used to improve glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes. In extensive clinical trials, canagliflozin produced a consistent dose-dependent decrease in HbA1c levels of 0.77% to 1.16% when administered either as monotherapy, in combination with metformin, in combination with metformin and a sulfonylurea, in combination with metformin and pioglitazone, or in combination with insulin, from initial HbA1c levels of 7.8% to 8.1%.

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