
Ostarine Dosage (half life about 24 hours)

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Ostarine Dosage (half life about 24 hours)











Ostarine dosage:

Ostarine has a half life of approximately 24 hours as such it is taken orally once per day. Some people prefer to split the daily dosage in half and take it in the morning and evening. Below are some Ostarine dose examples:

12.5mg per day is taken as treatment for Osteophorosis
12.5mg to 15mg per day for 4 – 6 weeks to help an average person get back into overal good shape

12.5mg to 15mg per day for 4 – 6 weeks is commonly used by athletes during body fat cutting period while training on lower calorie diet

30mg per day (either at one time or split into morning and evening dose) is taken to increase libido

25mg to 30mg per day (either at one time or split into morning and evening dose) for the duration of 4 – 6 weeks is the usual protocol for lean muscle building
36mg per day for the duration of 4-8 weeks is considered extreme, to be used by seasoned bodybuilders (recommended to be followed by a post testosterone cycle treatment)

GTx-024 is still an experimental drug, and should be treated as such. Athletes who choose to experiment with S-22 usually keep their cycles at 4 to 8 weeks maximum before taking time off to let the body restore it’s natural hormonal balance.


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