
Test Pheny – Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder

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Laboratory Tested Test Pheny – Testosterone phenylpropionate Powder Fast Delivery


About Test Pheny

Testosterone phenylpropionate (Testolent), or testosterone phenpropionate, also known as testosterone hydrocinnamate, is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) and an androgen ester – specifically, the C17β phenylpropionate ester of testosterone.


Test Pheny Test Report

Test Items Specification Test Results
Appearance White or almost white crystalline powder White powder
Loss on drying ≤0.5% 0.24%
Optical rotation +86°~+91° 88.5°
Melting Point 112~117ºC 114-116ºC
(HPLC)Assay 97-103.0% 98.81%
Free acid 0.5%max 0.21%
Conclusion The aboye product conforms analysis standard Conform


Test Pheny effects

Testosterone Phenylpropionate has the shortest duration of all testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone-Propionate, and this is the reason it has been branded ineffective.

With a 3 to 4 day duration in the body, it prevents water retention in the muscles of the body more easily than large ester version; a very desirable effect at that. After the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate the effects start showing in a snap.

In this little time, an athlete will feel aggressive and stronger. He will have an increased appetite; no wonder the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate to treat people with muscle wasting ailments.


Test Pheny Side Effects

Some of the most common in such cases is water retention in the muscles, development of gynecomastia (breast development in men), and smaller side effects such as increase in facial and body hair and development of oily skin or acne.

A number of the side effects are due to estrogenic side effects. One of the byproducts of testosterone is estrogen.

Supplements and injections can increase estrogen levels in men, which can lead to weight gain, water retention, and the gynecomastia.

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